In Mid September The Interkula launched a 1 month survey: “Triratna: How are We Doing Now?” in order to try to assess how the Triratna Community feels now about allegations of past misconduct.
The results of this survey were due to be released within two weeks of its close and we were just preparing to publish our report on 30 October when we heard the news of Sangharakshita’s passing and so obviously took the decision to delay publication.
We are aware that people are still grieving, and that people will be processing their feelings on varying timescales. However, we also know that others are waiting on the report. Whilst we are conscious that for some this maybe too soon, bearing both these factors in mind we have decided to publish the report now.
We hope people will explore the report amongst their friends and encourage people to also explore it with people whose views may be different from their own, in the spirit of open communication, active listening and empathy.
In order to facilitate this discussion, we plan to hold a couple of webinars in the New Year where findings can be discussed and explored with the report compilers for those who would like to participate. And in addition, we have set up a closed Facebook group for those who would like to have more in-depth and focused discussion around the document only. This forum will be confidential and only open for 6 weeks. It can be accessed here.