How are We Doing Now?

Approximately two years ago, the BBC documentary Inside Out described allegations of past sexual misconduct by Sangharakshita and other Order members. Since then there has been much discussion in official and unofficial Triratna contexts about issues raised by this documentary.

Several months after the release of the documentary, the Adhistana Kula was established to respond to these issues. A little later, the Interkula was set up by several Order members. Working independently from any other Triratna organization or institution, the Triratna Interkula aims to facilitate respectful and thoughtful discussion, and support change.

The Interkula’s current project is a survey to assess where the Triratna community currently stands in relation to allegations of past sexual misconduct. How much have we learned and moved on? What, if anything, is still left to be done?

This anonymous and confidential survey will be open to responses for 1 month, from September 14 to October 15. This survey is open to anyone with an interest in Triratna and the individuals who have been involved with it. At the conclusion of the survey response period the results will be compiled into a report and shared on the Interkula website, The Buddhist Center Online, Triratna Facebook groups, and with the Adhistana Kula.

Please find the questionnaire here: